預購 Venezianico Ø 40mm ❘ Arsenale Purple 軍械庫日內瓦波紋機械錶

Venezianico Arsenale 設計靈感源自威尼斯軍械庫建築群,這座古老的造船廠幾個世紀以來一直代表著 Serenissima 的技術創新核心。 Arsenale 將經典日內瓦波紋飾面與冷冽的現代金屬工業設計相結合,在傳統與創新之間創造了完美的平衡。超薄 8.95 mm錶殼搭配採用髮絲打磨和邊緣拋光的新一體式不鏽鋼目錶帶,使其成為永恆且前衛的獨特不朽匠作。
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「威尼斯軍械庫.新篇章」Venezianico Arsenale 日內瓦波紋飾面機械錶

The design of this timepiece is inspired by the Arsenale of Venice, the ancient shipyard that for centuries represented the heart of technological innovation in the Serenissima. Arsenale combines classic finishes with a bold, modern design, creating a perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Its ultra-thin 8.95mm case and integrated bracelet, featuring satin-finished links with polished details, make it an elegant and contemporary model.

Venezianico Arsenale 設計靈感源自威尼斯軍械庫建築群,這座古老的造船廠幾個世紀以來一直代表著 Serenissima 的技術創新核心。Arsenale 將經典日內瓦波紋飾面與冷冽的現代金屬工業設計相結合,在傳統與創新之間創造了完美的平衡。超薄 8.95 mm錶殼搭配採用髮絲打磨和邊緣拋光的新一體式不鏽鋼目錶帶,使其成為永恆且前衛的獨特不朽匠作。


「日內瓦波紋飾面錶盤」Côtes de Genève Dial

The Côtes de Genève finish, used in high-end movements, is achieved through a meticulous process that involves applying delicate parallel waves using rotating brushes. This same principle has been applied to the Arsenale dial, characterized by wavy lines that give it depth and brilliance. This technique, traditionally associated with classic watchmaking, blends harmoniously with modern details such as the skeletonized dauphine hands and the small baton-shaped indices.



「厚度僅 8.95 mm」Just 8.95mm thick

With a thickness of less than 9 millimeters, we’ve created an remarkably slim automatic watch. This achievement is the result of careful design aimed at optimizing every millimeter of internal space. The Miyota 9029 caliber, a 28,800 vibrations per hour movement with no date and only two hands, has proven perfect for combining elegance and functionality.

我們創造了一款厚度不到 9 mm的超薄自動機械腕錶。這項成就是千錘百鍊設計而成的淬鍊成果,旨在優化錶盤每一毫米的內部空間。 Miyota 9029 機芯,振動 28,800 次/每小時、24顆寶石、-10 ~+30 秒/天、41小時動力儲存,永恆極簡設計,將優雅與功能性完美結合。




「全面進化 Canova 不鏽鋼目錶帶」The Evolution of the Canova Bracelet

One of our most iconic design elements evolves with Arsenale, thanks to the new Canova Concept™ bracelet. While maintaining the characteristic alternation of concave and convex shapes from the original design, the bracelet has been redesigned with flatter, more modern shapes. Each link is enhanced by two polished bevels, creating an elegant contrast with the satin-finished surfaces. These refinements, the result of various manual techniques, give the bracelet a contemporary and sophisticated appearance.

為追求 Arsenale 軍械庫系列的極致設計,新的 Canova Concept™ 不鏽鋼目錶帶同步革新誕生。經過重新設計,錶帶形狀更扁平、更顯現代風格。每個錶節邊緣均經過拋光研磨出光澤斜面,與髮絲打磨的金屬緞面形成優雅的對比,這些革新是義大利百年工藝的技術結果,賦予腕錶更未來感且精品級的設計外觀和配戴感受。


「軍械庫.跨越百年的創新熔爐」Arsenale, Forge of Innovation

Founded in 1104, the Arsenale of Venice was a pioneer in industrial organization, introducing innovative techniques and advanced processes that made production more efficient. This shipyard transformed Venice into an unrivaled maritime power, influencing the concept of industry for centuries. Our watch embodies this spirit, combining classic finishes with cutting-edge metalwork, blending craftsmanship with a constant drive for innovation. The pattern of the towers, one of the most iconic symbols of the Arsenale, has been carefully incorporated into the bezel, becoming a distinctive feature that pays tribute to the legacy of this extraordinary complex.

威尼斯軍械庫成立於 1104 年,是工業組織的先驅,引進創新技術和先進流程,提高生產效率。這個造船廠將威尼斯轉變為無與倫比的海上強國,影響了工業概念幾個世紀。我們的腕錶體現了這種精神,將經典飾面與尖端金屬製品相結合,將精湛工藝與不斷創新的動力融為一體。塔樓的圖案是軍械庫最具代表性的象徵之一,被精心融入錶圈中,成為一個獨特的特徵,向這座非凡建築群的遺產致敬。


「古老卻預見工業革命的非凡造詣」The Oldest Shipyard of the Future

Through its extraordinary proto-industrial organization, the Arsenale of Venice anticipated the Industrial Revolution by centuries, introducing assembly line processes and the use of advanced machinery. It was here that Venice’s famous galleys were constructed, capable of being assembled in extremely short times. Metalworking was a crucial element, with innovative techniques for forging cannons, anchors, and military equipment. This monumental complex became the center of Venice’s maritime power, proving that even an ancient building could be at the forefront of technology and shape the future of industry.

設計靈感來自於偉大的威尼斯軍械庫造船廠,提前幾個世紀預見了工業革命,透過「Great Galley」這樣的技術創新,也就是以預製船體、分段製程、標準化零件等方法,形成了類似流水線的組裝流程,大幅加快了船隻製造速度,讓軍械庫在十六世紀成為世界上最有效率的造船機構外,也這座巨大的建築群成為威尼斯海上軍事強國的強大力量中樞,證明即使是古老的建築也可以走在技術的最前沿,並塑造工業的未來。


「過去與未來之間的橋樑」A Bridge Between Past and Future

The caseback of our watch celebrates one of the most iconic symbols of the Arsenale of Venice: the towers. Carefully depicted, these towers are not just a visual tribute to the past but also represent the deep connection between tradition and the drive for innovation that defines our work. Just as the Arsenale blended the cutting-edge technology of its time with a solid artisanal tradition, our timepiece combines elements of classic watchmaking with modern design, creating a unique piece that looks to the future while maintaining a strong connection to its origins.




BRAND PHILOSOPHY 品牌故事 / 來自義大利威尼斯精品工藝級製錶品牌
VENEZIANICO The Renaissance of Watchmaking 一瞬即永恆,腕上的文藝復興。創作靈感深受義大利威尼斯文化和建築遺產的啟發,追求達文西黃金比例, 並饒富獨特個性故事性的永恆匠作。

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 機芯 : Miyota 9029 Automatic 機械機芯

腕錶材質 : 316L不鏽鋼錶殼

鏡面材質 : 抗反光防刮藍寶石水晶玻璃

錶面直徑 : 40 mm

生活防水 : 5 ATM / 50 M

錶盤 : 日內瓦垂直波紋飾面

自動上鍊機械錶 / 搭配手動上鍊

錶帶 : Canova Concept™ 不鏽鋼目錶帶(寬度 20mm)




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