預購 Venezianico Ø 40mm ❘ ARSENALE ULTRABLACK 軍械庫極致黑機械錶

Venezianico Arsenale 設計靈感源自威尼斯軍械庫建築群,這座古老的造船廠幾個世紀以來一直代表著 Serenissima 的技術創新核心。 Arsenale 將冷冽的現代金屬工業設計發揮的淋漓盡致,在傳統與創新之間創造了完美的平衡。超薄 8.95 mm 錶殼搭配最熱銷吸光率 99.4 的極致黑錶盤,精湛的工藝特點造就獨特的設計外觀,成為一款前衛探索又充滿現代感的機械錶匠作。
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商品編號: 6221510
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Venezianico ARSENALE ULTRABLACK 軍械庫極致黑機械錶

The design of this timepiece is inspired by the Arsenale of Venice, the ancient shipyard that for centuries represented the heart of technological innovation in the Serenissima. Arsenale combines classic finishes with a bold, modern design, creating a perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Its ultra-thin 8.95mm case and integrated bracelet, featuring satin-finished links with polished details, make it an elegant and contemporary model.

Venezianico Arsenale 設計靈感源自威尼斯軍械庫建築群,這座古老的造船廠幾個世紀以來一直代表著 Serenissima 的技術創新核心。 Arsenale 將冷冽的現代金屬工業設計發揮的淋漓盡致,在傳統與創新之間創造了完美的平衡。超薄 8.95 mm 錶殼搭配最熱銷吸光率 99.4 的極致黑錶盤,精湛的工藝特點造就獨特的設計外觀,成為一款前衛探索又充滿現代感的機械錶匠作。


Origin of the Concept

Arsenale Ultrablack is an invitation to explore the unknown, evoking the spirit of adventure and discovery that has energized Venice’s Arsenale for centuries. The caseback features an engraving of a space station immersed in the cosmic vastness, symbolizing a journey toward new horizons—just as the historic Arsenale served as the starting point for bold expeditions into uncharted territories. This link between past and future is expressed through the dial’s absolute black, which evokes infinity and the allure of the unexplored. In this way, Arsenale transforms into a modern, cosmic vision where the drive for knowledge meets ingenuity and courage, celebrating both tradition and innovation.

Arsenale Ultrablack 邀請人們探索未知世界,喚起幾個世紀以來為威尼斯軍械庫注入活力的冒險和發現精神。錶背刻有沉浸在浩瀚宇宙中的太空站,象徵著邁向新地平線的旅程-正如歷史悠久的軍械庫是大膽探險未知領域的起點。過去與未來之間的聯繫透過深邃極黑錶盤呈現,喚起無限和未探索的魅力。透過 Ultrablack 的詮釋讓 Arsenale 轉變為現代的宇宙願景,在這裡,知識的驅動力與獨創性和勇氣相遇,延續傳統和創新。


「吸光率99.4%的極黑魅力」The charm of Absolute Black

We chose Musou Black™, a paint capable of absorbing 99.4% of light, as the starting point for our exploration of the Arsenale Ultrablack. Through rigorous testing and in-depth analysis, we adapted this coating for use with brass, the metal we use for crafting the dials. The result is a watch with a refined aesthetic where minimalism and technique merge, achieving an absolute black that challenges the limits of perception and captures the essence of time.

我們選擇 Musou Black™ 作為錶盤的塗裝,一種能夠吸收 99.4% 光線的塗料,作為我們探索 Arsenale Ultrablack 的起點。透過嚴格的測試和深入分析,我們將這種塗層與黃銅(我們用來製作錶盤的金屬)一起使用。結果是一款具有精緻美學的腕錶,將極簡主義與技術融為一體,實現了挑戰感知極限並捕捉時間本質的絕對黑色。



「力求完美品質的生產過程」Production process

Ultrablack dials are crafted through a meticulous process: brass disks are carefully prepared, and Musou Black™ paint, specifically adapted for adhesion to metal, is applied using a fine airbrush to ensure uniform and precise coverage. The drying takes place in a dust-free environment, as even the slightest contact can compromise the finish. Finally, the logo is added with great care, and each dial undergoes rigorous quality checks, as even a light touch can leave a permanent mark.

極致黑錶盤的黃銅金屬皆經過嚴格選材,使用細噴槍塗抹專門用於粘附金屬的 Musou Black™ 塗料,確保均勻和精確的覆蓋。生產程序需在無塵恆溫的環境進行,避免任何微塵接觸或是塗料乾燥不全而影響錶面效果。12點位置的 LOGO 標誌經過切割打磨,每個錶盤都經過嚴格的品質檢查,讓其深邃、空曠的極致黑飾面真正捕捉到了宇宙探索空間的本質。




「前衛的極簡美學」Minimalism and Avant-garde

The essential design of the absolute black dial, achieved with Musou Black™ paint, enhances the minimalist and distinctive aesthetic of the watch, drawing attention without unnecessary details. The slim case and elegant lines give Arsenale a refined, contemporary character—ideal for those seeking a timepiece that combines understated sophistication with a bold style. When worn, the Arsenale Ultrablack is anything but overlooked: it’s the perfect watch for those who appreciate a modern look that conveys strength and class.

極致黑錶盤的基本設計採用吸光率 99.4% 的 Musou Black™ 塗料呈現,增強機械錶的極簡和獨特美感,令人驚嘆的深邃空間感就能吸引人們的注意。纖薄的錶殼和優雅的線條賦予 Arsenale 別緻、現代感強烈的特色,都非常適合那些尋求低調輕奢與大膽風格相結合的鑑賞懂錶人士。


「全面進化 Canova Concept™ 不鏽鋼錶帶優惠加購」Add the Canova Concept™ Bracelet

We offer the opportunity to enhance your watch with our Canova Concept™ bracelet, available for an additional cost of only NT.$4,500. With this accessory, your Arsenale Ultrablack will become even more versatile, allowing you to choose between the sporty rubber strap and the elegance of the stainless steel bracelet.

我們提供加購新款 Canova Concept™ bracelet 不鏽鋼錶帶加購優惠。有了這款配件,您的 Arsenale Ultrablack 將變得更加百搭,讓您可以在運動型橡膠錶帶和經典的不鏽鋼目錶帶之間進行穿搭替換。

BRAND PHILOSOPHY 品牌故事 / 來自義大利威尼斯精品工藝級製錶品牌
VENEZIANICO The Renaissance of Watchmaking 一瞬即永恆,腕上的文藝復興。創作靈感深受義大利威尼斯文化和建築遺產的啟發,追求達文西黃金比例, 並饒富獨特個性故事性的永恆匠作。

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venezianico_威尼斯人_腕錶_機械錶 venezianico_威尼斯人_腕錶_機械錶 venezianico_威尼斯人_腕錶_機械錶



 機芯 : Miyota 9029 Automatic 機械機芯

腕錶材質 : 316L不鏽鋼錶殼

鏡面材質 : 抗反光防刮藍寶石水晶玻璃

錶面直徑 : 40 mm

生活防水 : 5 ATM / 50 M

錶盤 : 吸光率 99.4% 真黑色無雙塗裝

自動上鍊機械錶 / 搭配手動上鍊

錶帶 : 橡膠錶帶 (寬度 20mm)

加購錶帶 : Canova Concept™ 不鏽鋼目錶帶 (寬度 20mm)




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虛擬 ATM or 超商代碼付款 : 週一 ~ 週五 下午 12 : 00 前付款完成,有現貨當天出貨 1-2 天可收到商品。
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